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Why Blogger/blogspot blogs should use Bing not Google - x-droov

Wondering why I am encouraging you to evaluate your blog's success with Bing and not Google? That's normal. The level of success for subdomains has diminished rapidly because all bloggers are looking at success in terms of being on Google.
If you've been concentrating on Google alone, it's time to diversify. Below are a few reasons why you should diversify.

Reasons why you should optimize your blogspot for Bing

1. It keeps you busy. As a blogger, you need to get busy making sure your blog gets up and walks towards success.

2. It keeps you motivated. When you are using only Google and your blog is new, almost no content will be indexed. Blogger blogs take long to be allowed to share links on most social media channels like Facebook and Instagram so that means you'll have nearly no traffic yet you need some motivation to move on. 
Bite sized improvements in different search engines keeps you motivated meaning reduced chances of quiting.

3. Bing's sandbox is shorter. A sandbox is a state which search engines put new websites inorder to evaluate whether they aren't spammy. Google's sandbox for blogspot blogs is very long making Bing a better option for easier search engine visibility in the first months of your blogging.

4. Most sites haven't optimized for Bing. Most guys have been caught up in the Google mud. They have been driven to think that when a person talks about a search engine, that person is talking about Google, which is wrong.
How's that good? Your site gets quicker organic traffic from Bing compared to Google.

5. Anything can happen
More than a decade ago, Yahoo was the most visited website for search and many other activities then Google came. Anything can happen and all cards turn to Bing. Those who haven't put their websites on Bing will suffer thorough traffic injuries. 

6. Bing is better in search than Google. If you've used Bing, they provide thorough filters making most of the traffic to your site qualified for the content you are providing. In the long run, your site experiences lesser bounce rates meaning more engagement and of course better monetization.

How do you put your blog on Bing

1. Web crawlers

Bing just like other search engines will find your blog if you have links to it in several sites. X-droov was found automatically by Bing in the third month. It's because X-droov has several links pointing towards it.
Other blogs can be two years old yet not on bing because they aren't placing links in as many places as possible. They are just depending on Google.
This method is not a guarantee that you'll appear quickly so, it's better you use the second method.

2. Submitting to bing webmaster tools

This is the best. It's just like adding your site to Google search console. It gets discovered quickly.
Simply navigate to
and add your blog to another monster in search.

How to know that your blog is listed on bing

It's the same with bing. Simply type in
and you'll be provided with all indexed urls pointing to your blog.
The other method is to look at your blog traffic numbers. You tend to get enormous feck traffic when Bing starts indexing your pages.  I'll cover this in an article criticizing Google for negligence on other search engine crawlers.
Thanks for reading to the end. I love you so much! Keep reading other informative articles or share the article with your friends. 


Emmy Jayson x-droov

Emmy Jayson

