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Why you should use AdSense on your blogspot (AdSense on blogger part 1) - x-droov

You're ultimately going to get headache adding AdSense on your blog and you may opt for the easy ways because you may not know some concrete reasons why you should use AdSense. I'll never look away, so, get ready for the drive.
As you know AdSense is owned by Google which is the same for blogger. If you're then using blogger, you have greater chances of landing a deal with AdSense.
Most people will tell you that AdSense on a newly created blog is time-wastage, but that isn't it. The main reason we start blogs is to help solve certain problems in society, but to continue doing that, you need a horse to ride on and that horse is money.
If you don't add ads immediately, you'll regret why you didn't monetize the traffic that fueled your blog from the start. Pennies collected daily increase with time and will help you tackle some difficult situation.
If you didn't start off with us in the course, take some time to check out the articles that you missed.

AdSense on blogger outline

Part 1:Why you should use AdSense on your blogspot (AdSense on blogger part 1)

This is an introductory sequence into AdSense. To help cement your need for the best Ad service.

Part 2: Does AdSense depend on your traffic?(AdSense on blogger part 2)

It's known that ad companies always require you to have a certain amount of traffic before you go for ads. Read this to know how AdSense works in accordance with traffic.

Part 3: What is required to get AdSense (AdSense on blogger part 3)

These requirements will let you know what you need to put up before you jump in for AdSense. When you are done with this, you'll have all the vigor to step in and claim your ads.

Part 4: Adding AdSense on your blogspot (AdSense on blogger part 4)

The main part of the game is putting the ads on your site. This is a guide on creating an AdSense account and adding ads on your blog.

Part 5: Understanding the types of AdSense ads (AdSense on blogger part 5)
There t 5: Understanding the types of AdSense ads (AdSense on blogger part 5)

There are many types of ads and you need to know them well before you try out any. This definitive answer will make you a professional in ad decisions.

Part 6: Understanding CPM and CPC for AdSense (AdSense on blogger part 6)

Two main ways in which publishers are paid are CPM and CPC. Get to know the ups and downs of both of them laid out in an easy-to-understand manner.

Part 7: Positioning AdSense ads (AdSense on blogger part 7)

If you need more clicks, you have to know where to put your ads. This is what you need to allow you place your ads in your desired areas.

Part 8: What to do after adding AdSense (AdSense on blogger part 8)

This is the sum up of what you need to do after you have set up your ads. Read it for great tips to keep running smoothly.

Reasons why AdSense is priceless towards your success

1. Leniency

Most ad companies will cheat you through your working with them. They'll provide great ads for your website, but at the end of the day, you'll be earning very little money from your traffic.
With AdSense, there's value for your traffic. Digits of RPM(Rates Per Mile), which is the amount payable per 1000 page views, are high for new sites.
Take an example, impression RPM on Adsterra is around 0.005 for a new site yet it is multiplied by ten on AdSense. Something around 0.07.
The same thing works for RPC(Rate Per Click). AdSense will pay you better. Never forget that the reason you get ads on your blog is to get something from your traffic so, if you go for a silly ad company because you got one rejection from AdSense then think twice before you complete this course.

2. Variations according to need

AdSense gives you space to do all you want and decide which ads come on your site. In putting ads on your site, you shouldn't place so many because they'll break the reader's desire to read further.
Another great tool from AdSense is its Auto ads. These are automatically placed on your site in the right places according to the type of visitors using it. If you use auto ads, your RPM and RPC will increase because you didn't force any ads to be put in a hidden area of your blog. You simply let Google's algorithm place them for you.
You'll get greater service from AdSense ads with an expanse of different ad types from auto ads, sidebar ads to search engine ads. All the ad types will be explained in part 5 of our course.

3. Easy service

In AdSense, just like other Google products, your usage will be straight forward unless you need very complex settings. Ad performance is simple to understand.
Other easy things to do are blocking ads from certain pages like your homepage and implementing ads on your blog.
In other ad companies, changing ad settings will need you to re-paste the code in your blog, but for AdSense, all things are done once.
Trust me everything will be there for you. 

4. Real time reporting with infographics

On AdSense, your reports will be laid out in graphs and simple tables making you see your performance in a glance.
Who wants to spend two minutes analysing his ad performance yet he has other important things to do to move his blog to a higher level.

5. Freedom

On AdSense, once you have qualified for the service, you are liable to almost 95% of all ad types offered.
That's one thing other companies are sceptical about. They keep you constrained to traditional banners and other minor ads which have very low RPM and RPC rates.
6. The last reason is no initial investment. Some companies ask for money to place quality ads that give high rates on your blog.
AdSense on the other side, gives quality ads to all those who qualify for their product.

Way forward

As you now know what to expect, follow our course till the end and we'll surely get ads on your blog.
Look out for the next part

Part 2: Does AdSense depend on your traffic?(AdSense on blogger part 2)

It's known that ad companies always require you to have a certain amount of traffic before you go for ads. Read this to know how AdSense works in accordance with traffic.
Keep it up. Comment any improvements, your thoughts on the matter and ask any questions related to the topic. If you need to contact me, don't get scared to move to our contact us page.


Emmy Jayson x-droov

Emmy Jayson
