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I can't share blogspot links on Facebook ( the answer)- x-droov

The main problem subdomain owners face when it comes to sensitive social media sites like Facebook and Instagram is difficulty in sharing links. Many URLs cannot be shared on Facebook for different stupid reasons. Blogspot users are the prime candidates for Facebook separatism. 
You may feel like deleting your blog because in the first months, you won't be receiving traffic from Google so the main way of getting your blog out there would be through social media. With that, each time you try to share your blog, you get a warning. 

"We don't allow such links because they are against our community standards."

That message sucks, doesn't it. It does and that's why you are reading this article.

What does Facebook depend on to allow sites to share URLs

1. Domain names

Custom domain names are rarely used for spam compared to subdomains.
Facebook allows custom domains to share URLs ASAP, but it quite sensitive on allowing subdomains do so.
So, yes! Facebook depends on the domain name and other facts discussed next.

2. Traffic

Someone is going to tell you that Facebook only allows you to share sites with high traffic. They might be right in one way, but are very wrong when it comes to real facts.
Facebook never depends on traffic because, how will it know your traffic. Even Alexa just guesses site traffic.
If someone tells you this, simply let it slip off or correct him if you wish.

3. Domain age

Absolutely, this is the answer for all subdomains. I think you're now relieved. So, what is the real domain age at which a subdomain will be liable for sharing on Facebook and Instagram.

Time after which you can share a Blogspot URL on Facebook

Let me keep this short. It needs more than four concrete months for most sites to appear in Facebook's index.
There are exceptions, but never expect to share content on Facebook within the first 2-3 months.
With that guys, you can now sit back and wait till your blog is old enough to be shared on Facebook.
If your blog is old and not being shared. Comment it below and I will reach back.
When your blog is on, you can then navigate to with your Facebook account to control how your pages appear when shared on Facebook.
Thanks for reading guys. If you need more blogspot knowledge, check out the following backup articles for beginners.

Keep the spirit. Comment your thoughts and if you need to, contact us on the contact us page or our side bar.


Emmy Jayson x-droov

Emmy Jayson
