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How to repair smartphone chargers - x-droov

If electrical and electronics companies made strong chargers, no one would be searching for how to repair smartphone chargers. This would mean that all electrical companies would lose the extra cash earned from selling chargers. In this guide I’ll take the hard guys like me through how I repair all faulty chargers.
This is a game by the companies to make you visit the electrical store frequently. Those who use their chargers carelessly suffer a lot yet they could do a DIY on their chargers to make them work. There are many ways in which chargers get spoilt.

Ways in which chargers get spoilt

1. Terminal breakdown

The point where the cable joins the charger’s head is more than vulnerable to breaks. When that happens, you can’t know where to look. Most times, you just have to give up or try the fix. This is mainly caused by spinning a charger beyond it’s breaking threshold. You can’t really know when it happens.

How to prevent

Keep your charger carefully and mostly, don’t use your phone while it’s charging.

How to repair your charger

Cut the charger’s head. It will mostly look something like.
Buy solder and reconnect the terminals. If you can’t access solder, try adhesive tape or rubber banding the terminals onto their required spots. If that isn’t the problem, check out risk number two.

2. Broken contacts

These are the small metals that connect with your charging system. They are problems from rough handling of your charger. You can see missing contacts by simply viewing your charger head in a well-lit place. Some chargers have five contacts while others have four. You’ll be able to make an observation of a missing contact easily.

How to prevent

Keeping your charger like an egg is the only remedy.

How to repair

Here, you have to go technical because you will have to scrap off the metal casing covering the contacts and bend one contact to the missing spot. You can then solder the wire connected to the missing piece onto the bent piece.
After that, you have two options; to put back the metal casing of which you need a small pair of pliers or just leave the charger naked.

3. Burnt out contacts

This is an intentional action by rough-hearted companies. They do this because most people can’t take time to understand what really happened. Most guys will say “it’s okay. I will buy another one”. As a user, you don’t have any connection to the fault so, you have no abilities to control it.

How to prevent

There’s no prevention here, you just have to keep changing the brands of chargers you are using to get one that is safe. 

Last notes

I like repair DIYs, but some guys don’t. If you don’t like DIY stuff, keep buying until you realize that obvious expenses are death traps. You don’t need any expertise to do that. Nice time repairing chargers. I have been reshuffling my old chargers for months now. Those would have been chargers bought.
I thank you for reading this DIY and I will appreciate you if you go ahead and comment on this piece. Questions are welcome . Just know that you should keep up the spirit.


Emmy Jayson x-droov
