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The complete reverse engineering kit for Android

The reverse engineering kit I am giving you can do anything for you, but remember that reverse engineering is a criminal act against intellectual property copyright. My guide and kit are for educational purposes. Any malicious act you do with them is against your personality not the x-droov staff.
Reverse engineering is a great skill to help programmers eliminate what ticks them off in any application. If you just heard about reverse engineering and you are not a programmer, take some time to read my articles on why you should learn programming and how to master a programming language in weeks. For those who know programming, lets jump into the fire.
When apps are made, so many files are dumped In. These are files hiding premium information that requires payment, ads, databases, complex user information and several other sensitive files. The need to explore and manipulate is the main reason for reverse engineering. So, why are programmers reverse engineering apps?

Why programmers reverse engineer applications
Improve user experience
Each time you are out there using a very good app with so many ads, it becomes a distraction to focus. These ads are well crafted and always achieve their goals of influence. To get rid of that, you need an ad blocker, but some apps are so smart that they come through. When that happens, you need to understand some code to save yourself or you can use another tool that I will tell you in the tools section.

Acquire rare information
Take an example of a programmer looking to build an app that can detect grammatical errors using the latest dictionary words. In order to get the dictionary pull for you all the words you want manually can be heck. In your relief are the decompilers. These apps remove every bolt on an app leaving the skeleton. Once you have the skeleton, you can then get the full dictionary database for your use. It’s not always databases, it can be layouts, algorithms and icons that you need.
It’s fun to use Facebook with an icon that’s your puppy and the app name is something like doido. You can change anything. It’s also good for beginners to understand how real app development is done. It’s like a young writer reading Hollywood movie scripts of his favorite movies.

Malicious coding
This is done to spread infected apps through the web or through manual input. It might be a university student spreading an improved version of the university app with malware to the whole school. Guess what? He acquires all he needs. It might be a friend recoding a friend’s phone apps to work in complex random moves.
The reverse engineering kit
The Android kit is simple. It is dependent on what you want to accomplish. If ads, disable signature verification and change permissions and activities of an app, check out the app below.

Lucky patcher

The best android patching app. This is a simple app which you can get from the lucky patcher site or any apk store online. Play protect sees the patcher as a potential risk so you have to disable it to allow the patcher have great control.
The stealth of the patcher is great. It comes with an installer app. When you download it, it installs the installer which then installs the real patcher. Nice time patching. 
Download the latest lucky patcher here.

If you need to have full control of an app’s structure. This is like being able to disorganize an app to the point where each and every nut is turned. There are two apps that will do that for you:

Apk tool

Apk tool decompiles an app pulling out three things;
1. The manifest
This makes you an administrator of that app since the manifest controls all an app uses and is attached to.
2. The layout files
These are all xml files holding the user interfaces of all the apps activities.
3. The resources
These are all the necessities needed by the application. They range from pictures, sounds, styles and string output.
Apk tool is a great tool, but it’s not able to pull out the java files of the app. That means, you need another app. Download the app on telegram.

 JaDX app

If you’ve ever used an IDE then you know dex files which are dexed out of java files created by the developer. This app coverts them back to their sources. It’s the best companion to the apk tool discussed above.
To get the jaDX, follow the link below.

Preventing reverse engineering is every developer’s dream. It’s difficult to prevent it because your app moves with all its parsers. It then becomes easy for a person to use the parsers to retouch the code. Nice time learning. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments and I would also love to know any other reverse engineering apps not mentioned. Thanks.

                       Emmy Jayson
