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Awaken the giant within book review

This book by Tony Robbins teaches how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny sighting several examples from the authors own life experience. It is the best book to teach you the power you have over your future which you can clearly grasp from Tony's determination not to settle for less than he expected of his life.

The book clarifies on the procedures needed to help people lose weight and the solid fact is that all the skills are from the author's own practicality so if you are turning into a fat baby or you are not comfortable with your current mass, I recommend this book to you.

A great book, just like a great company, cannot be moulded by one person. There are several quotes from other prominent guys,but some few  caught my attention:

Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." ALDOUS HUXLEY

The challenge for most people is that they have only a few ways to change their state: they overeat, over drink, oversleep, over shop, smoke, or take a drug—none of which empower us, and all of which can have disastrous and tragic consequences. The biggest problem is that many of these consequences are cumulative, so we don't even notice the danger until it's too late.

if u don't plan for pleasure u'll have pain

The questions you ask determine ur thought thereby your future so learn to ask as many as you can.

What influences how we react is the effect of pain and pleasure on all our life happenings.

Another important note was the idea of the niagara crisis where life is like navigating a river, but most people don't plan their future so they are able to navigate past the visible blocks of the present only to realize that they are approaching the Niagara falls and all they have is a small paddle which cannot resist their destiny.

There's a reason why this guy wasted more words on the power of questions saying that they bring us an irreplaceable resource: answers and solutions in addition to determining everything we do in life, from our abilities to the relationships we have to our income owing to the fact that to become a great business person, you don't need talent, but an urge to ask questions and many of them.

At any moment, the questions that we ask ourselves can shape our perception of who we are, what we're capable of, and what we're willing to do to achieve our dreams. Learning to consciously control the questions you ask will take you further to achieving your ultimate destiny than almost anything I know. 

His greatest experience is one of enduring the pain of entrepreneurship when his associates had taken his business $758000 into debt and the pressure for him to declare bankruptcy was intense. His survival of that tide makes him a light on young entrepreneurs.

The sensibility of your vocabulary in shaping who you become is another fact he didn't leave out and the need to control how our brains work in order to allow us make sound changes because of its great capabilities like processing up to 30 billion bits of information per second and boasting the equivalent of 6,000 miles of wiring and cabling. Typically the human nervous system contains about 28 billion neurons which makes them very very large scale integrated circuits. 

The  power of your brain to process information is staggering, especially when you consider that a computer—even the fastest computer—can make connections only one at a time. By contrast, a reaction in one neuron can spread to hundreds of thousands of others in a span of less than 20 milliseconds. To give you perspective, that's about ten times less than it takes for your eye to blink. A neuron takes a million times longer to send a signal than a typical computer switch, yet the brain can recognize a familiar face in less than a second—a feat beyond the ability of the most powerful computers.

                     Emmy Jayson
